If your target is walking around, driving, or moving in any other fashion, this means that you need to predict where they will be in a full second and aim there. If you’re positioned five thousand feet away, and your bullet travels four thousand feet a second, then it’s going to take more than a full second to get to your target.

What does “lead your target” mean, you ask? Think about it this way. We may not be elite shooters in real life, but let us be the first to tell you as seasoned sniper elite games players that you need at least three tips to pull off the perfect shot. Whether you’re shooting at a single target or taking aim at a huge cluster of enemies in one of our sniper zombie games, you’ll have to make sure of a couple things before you decide to make your move. Well, it sounds simple, but things don’t always work out as planned in sniper shooting games. This is how it works in real life as well as free online sniper games for adults. Your mission is simple: get into position and take out the target.

That could be the difference between you getting away and getting killed, so you better make sure you’re ready before you squeeze that trigger! How to Strike from the Shadows Like an Elite Sniper One little twitch before you pull that trigger, and you’ll miss the target. You’ll need plenty of patience, skill, and most of all, a steady hand. We’ve set up our free sniper games online category to be both exciting and realistic.

They might wait for 6, 7, even 12 hours before their target shows up. In real life, a sniper has to be patient. Ask any elite sniper, either in these sniper games or in real life, and they’ll tell you that it’s a “whole lot of nothing and then everything at once.” You see, in the movies, you only see the part where the sniper shoots.